

11/18(金) 【英語部】Today’s Club Activity

We started to make our artwork about our favorite books and will join Oxford Big Read. I made it about a book of medicine. I painted it with color pencils.I tried hard to paint it well. It took me a long time. It was hard work, but reading the book was a lot of fun. I learned the history of medicine and studied English. I will continue to read many English books.

Ellen wrote this blog today! 今回の担当はEllenでした!

10/19(水) 【英語部】 Today's club activity

We started today's English Club activity by talking about osmanthus. No one knew what this word means, but everyone tried to think of the meaning. Some of us said, "The word has man, so the word is about a male people!" Others said, "Os sounds like OZ, so the word is about wizard!" Finally, we found out the word means kinmokusei. Then, we talked about what things are popular in fall (such as seasonal flowers, fruits, food, and so on). We also made a short presentation on the great things about fall. Making a presentation was a little difficult, but fun:-)



9/28(水) 【英語部】Today's club activity

Today we started our club activity with reading practice as usual. We read the story we chose aloud for the other students. Sharing our feelings with friends about books is so fun! Next, we played "MONSTER GAME". First, we created our original monsters and then told the other students how the monster looks, what kind of body shape or body parts they have on their body, and so on. Some were cute, others were funny. We needed a lot of imaginaton and creativity to play this game:-)


9/9(金) 【英語部】9/2 (金) School Festival

Today we played an original skit based on Alice in Wonderland. We've been preparing many props and stage sets for this school festival for two months. Many people watched our play and had a lot of fun! We also enjoyed our play and felt happy that many students joined the quiz in the play! 

7/13(水) 【英語部】Today's club activity

Today we made an imaginary country. During a warm-up QA activity we generated some ideas and used them to create our own country: the country's name, the national flag, what kind of pet animals people in our country have, who the president of the country is and so on. All the countries truned out to be a lot of fun!