

9/9(金) 【英語部】9/2 (金) School Festival

Today we played an original skit based on Alice in Wonderland. We've been preparing many props and stage sets for this school festival for two months. Many people watched our play and had a lot of fun! We also enjoyed our play and felt happy that many students joined the quiz in the play! 

7/13(水) 【英語部】Today's club activity

Today we made an imaginary country. During a warm-up QA activity we generated some ideas and used them to create our own country: the country's name, the national flag, what kind of pet animals people in our country have, who the president of the country is and so on. All the countries truned out to be a lot of fun! 

6/22(水) 【英語部】Today's club activity

Today we thought about ideas to prevent the spread of the "New Greater Kanto Virus." We checked When, Where, Why, and How the virus first spread out. Then to stop or control this new virus within one year, we discussed what kind of new technology or new rules we need. Many students had unique and creative ideas! We had a lot of fun today, too:)

6/08(水) 【英語部】CIRとの活動


 ① 文化祭に向けて

 ② 英語部への道第一歩(自己紹介を洗練しよう)

 ③ Telephone Game


【Telephone Gameの様子】